Results for 'Martin Edgar Gerwin'

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  1.  41
    Causality and Agency: A Refutation of Hume.Martin Gerwin - 1987 - Dialogue 26 (1):3.
    In Book I of the Treatise of Human Nature, Hume examines the idea of necessary connection, which, he observes, forms an indispensable part of our idea of cause and effect. He concludes:The idea of necessity arises from some impression. There is no impression convey'd by our senses, which can give rise to that idea. It must, therefore, by deriv'd from some internal impression, or impression of reflexion. There is no internal impression which has any relation to the present business, but (...)
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    Natural-Agency Theory as an Alternative to Hume: A Reply to Andrew Ward.Martin Gerwin - 1998 - Dialogue 37 (1):3-.
    Ward concludes that either the natural-agency account is not a genuine alternative to Hume, because it tacitly accepts or presupposes what Hume said, or, if it is an alternative, it is not a viable one, because at the very point where it departs from Hume’s account, it asserts something “mysterious.” The gist of my reply will be to assert, first, that the position I wish to defend flatly contradicts some of Hume’s key claims, so there can be no question of (...)
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  3. The Hobbes Game, Human Diversity, and Learning Styles.Martin E. Gerwin - 1996 - Teaching Philosophy 19 (3):247-258.
    This paper recounts the pedagogical benefits of the Hobbes Game to introduce students to Hobbes' social contract theory. The author introduces a modified version of John Immerwahr's Hobbes Game and organizes the activities according David Kolb's typology of learning styles. The game provides students with a concrete experience of thought experiments from the text and encourages reflective observation of the theory itself. Since the game mimics the experience of the Hobbesian state of nature students are able to see Hobbes' arguments (...)
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    Prado's The Limits of Pragmatism.Martin Gerwin - 1990 - Dialogue 29 (3):447-.
    Carlos Prado has been much influenced by the thought of Richard Rorty, whose ideas have found application in Prado's earlier philosophical writings on the nature of fiction and on aging. In this book, Rorty's ideas are themselves the object of study. Prado is not attempting a complete examination of Rorty's work, and as a result, Rorty's relations to certain other philosophers he admires—earlier American pragmatists and contemporary uropean thinkers—are not explored to any great extent. The focus, instead, is on the (...)
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  5. Meeting of the association for symbolic logic: Washington, D. C., 1985.Martin Davis, Edgar E. K. Lopez-Escobar & Wilfred Sieg - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (4):1085-1092.
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    Critical notice.Martin E. Gerwin - 1985 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 15 (2):363-378.
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    Quanta, Randomness, and Explanation.Martin E. Gerwin - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 3:86-91.
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  8. David Copp and J.J. Macintosh, eds., New Essays in Philosophy of Mind, Series II. [REVIEW]Martin Gerwin - 1986 - Philosophy in Review 6 (10):467-469.
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    Managing public expectations of technological systems: A case study of a problematic government project.Aaron K. Martin & Edgar A. Whitley - 2007 - Spontaneous Generations 1 (1):67.
    In this discussion piece we address how the UK government has attempted to manage public expectations of a proposed biometric identity scheme by focussing attention on the handheld, i.e., the ID card. We suggest that this strategy of expectations management seeks to downplay the complexity and uncertainty surrounding this high-technological initiative, necessitating the selective use of expertise for the purpose of furthering government objectives. In this process, government often relegates counterexpertise, if not dismissing it outright, thereby greatly politicizing the policy (...)
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  10. Sidney Hook, Convictions. [REVIEW]Martin Gerwin - 1991 - Philosophy in Review 11:397-399.
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  11. Richard R. La Croix, What is God? Selected essays. [REVIEW]Martin Gerwin - 1995 - Philosophy in Review 15:338-340.
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    How good are fast and frugal inference heuristics in case of limited knowledge?Edgar Erdfelder & Martin Brandt - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (5):747-748.
    Gigerenzer and his collaborators have shown that the Take the Best heuristic (TTB) approximates optimal decision behavior for many inference problems. We studied the effect of incomplete cue knowledge on the quality of this approximation. Bayesian algorithms clearly outperformed TTB in case of partial cue knowledge, especially when the validity of the recognition cue is assumed to be low.
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    Actividad antimicrobiana del aceite esencial de Clinopodium pulchellum Govaerts «panizara», frente a Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Staphylococcus aureus.Edgar Tapia Manrique, Betsabeth Rivera Castillo, Américo Castro Luna, Martín Cordorhuamán Figueroa, Christian Quispe Yalli & Diego Valdivieso Márquez - 2019 - Cultura 33:399-415.
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    Learning from others: Exchange of classification rules in intelligent distributed systems.Dominik Fisch, Martin Jänicke, Edgar Kalkowski & Bernhard Sick - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 187-188 (C):90-114.
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  15. Shane Ralston, Pennsylvania State University-Hazleton and World Campus.Hanspeter Kriesi, Edgar Grande, Romain Lachat, Martin Dolezal, Simon Bornschier & Timotheos Frey - 2009 - In David Papineau (ed.), Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 90-115.
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    Political Conflict in Western Europe.Hanspeter Kriesi, Edgar Grande, Martin Dolezal, Marc Helbling, Dominic Höglinger, Swen Hutter & Bruno Wüest - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    What are the consequences of globalization for the structure of political conflicts in Western Europe? How are political conflicts organized and articulated in the twenty-first century? And how does the transformation of territorial boundaries affect the scope and content of political conflicts? This book sets out to answer these questions by analyzing the results of a study of national and European electoral campaigns, protest events and public debates in six West European countries. While the mobilization of the losers in the (...)
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Diane Ravitch, Donald Fisher, Elizabeth Ihle, W. Paul Vogt, Richard J. Altenbaugh, Edith W. King, Edgar B. Gumbert, Ruth B. Lamonte, Stanley L. Goldstein, Robert V. Bullough Jr & Don T. Martin - 1984 - Educational Studies 15 (2):108-155.
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    World and life as one: Ethics and ontology in Wittgenstein's early thought, by Martin Stokhof.Brian Armstrong & Edgar Morscher - 2007 - European Journal of Philosophy 15 (2):297–301.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]John Hardin Best, Louis A. Petrone, Rodman Webb, John Martin Rich, Edgar Z. Friedenberg, William H. Howick, William Edward Eaton & Elizabeth Ihle - 1983 - Educational Studies 14 (2):176-204.
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    Crisis Actual Como Posibilidad Existencial Para Retomar la Pregunta Por El Ser.Edgar Enrique Velásquez Camelo - 2020 - Metanoia 5:131-156.
    La pregunta por el sentido general del ser emerge, en situaciones críticas, como una indagación noética y existencial que descubre la condición finita y vulnerable del ser ahí. La pandemia Covid19 se ha convertido en el contexto social la oportunidad para pensar en la importancia del cuidado en donde, a raíz del confinamiento y el aislamiento preventivo, se ha modificado de forma infranqueable los ritmos de vida. La rapidación del mundo social de producción y consumo ha constituido el modus vivendi-operandi (...)
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    Becoming Bamboo: Western and Eastern Explorations of the Meaning of Life.Robert Edgar Carter - 1992 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    The many problems we face in today's world -- among them war, environmental destruction, religious and racial intolerance, and inappropriate technologies -- demand that we carefully re-evaluate such issues as our relation to the environment, the nature of progress, ultimate purposes, and human values. These are all issues, Robert Carter explains, that are intimately linked to our perception of life's meaning. While many books discuss life's meaning either analytically or prescriptively, Carter addresses values and ways of meaningful living from a (...)
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  22.  13
    Im Labyrinth der Ethik: Glauben-Handeln-Pluralismus.Günter Bader, Ulrich Eibach, Hartmut Kress & Martin Honecker (eds.) - 2004 - Rheinbach: CMZ.
    In einer kühnen Metapher haben einst Hieronymus, Erasmus und Luther die Heilige Schrift als ein Labyrinth bezeichnet, das die Leser bei fortgesetztem Lesen in eine sich sogar steigernde Verwirrung stürze. Beinah im selben Atemzug wird eben dieselbe Heilige Schrift von eben denselben Autoren als der einzige Faden gepriesen, der die Leser aus dem Labyrinth ihres Lebens herausführe. Eines und dasselbe als Labyrinth und als Faden: Diese Figur ist paradigmatisch. Im Labyrinth der Ethik geht es nicht anders zu. Nur wer sich (...)
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    Cognizione e democrazia: le metamorfosi in atto: letture da Martin Buber, Cornelius Castoriadis, Noam Chomsky, Isabel Compiègne, Ronald Creagh, Mireille Delmas-Marty, Viviane Forrester, Yves Lacroix, Serge Latouche, Gotthold Lessing, Ernst Mach, Armand Mattelart, Edgar Morin, Luigina Mortari, Giorgio Napolitano, Pierre Rosanvallon, Lucien Sève, Susan Sontag, Henry Thoreau, Dmitri Uznadze, Paul Valéry, Simone Weil, Wilhelm Wundt.Paolo Calegari - 2012 - Napoli: Liguori.
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    Metafizika Zapada i njeno prevladavanje: o bitku i vremenu, o prostoru: tehnika i znanost: Martin Heidegger, Edgar Morin.Abdulah Šarčević - 2005 - Sarajevo: "Bemust".
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  25. The Roycean Roots of the Beloved Community.Gary Herstein - 2009 - The Pluralist 4 (2):91 - 107.
    While it is widely acknowledged that Martin Luther King’s notion of the “Beloved Community” owes the origin of its name to Josiah Royce, what has not been noticed in the literature on the subject is the depth of the connection between King’s and Royce’s conception of such a community. It is known that King studied Royce as a graduate student at Boston University, and that his advisors -- both Edgar Sheffield Brightman and L. Harrold DeWolf -- were intimately (...)
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    The bondage of the will: a treatise by Martin Luther, against Erasmus of Rotterdam.Martin Luther - 2020 - Moscow, Idaho: Canon Classics. Edited by Henry Cole & Douglas Wilson.
    "a man cannot be thoroughly humbled until he comes to know that his salvation is utterly beyond his own powers, counsel, endeavors, will, and works, and absolutely depending on the will, counsel, pleasure, and work of another, that is, of God only." So speaks Luther in his greatest book, On the Bondage of the Will. In this book, Luther replies to the arguments of Erasmus of Rotterdam, who had pointed to all the commands in Scripture, and believed that they implied (...)
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  27. The way of response: Martin Buber.Martin Buber - 1966 - New York,: Schocken Books. Edited by Nahum Norbert Glatzer.
    God.--I and thou.--Faith.--Man.--Human speech and dialogue.--Creation, revelation, redemption.--Community and history.--Israel: Jewish existence.--Epilogue: Renewal.--Acknowledgments.
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    The evolution of music: One trait, many ultimate-level explanations.Edgar Dubourg, Jean-Baptiste André & Nicolas Baumard - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    We propose an approach reconciling the ultimate-level explanations proposed by Savage et al. and Mehr et al. as to why music evolved. We also question the current adaptationist view of culture, which too often fails to disentangle distinct fitness benefits.
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  29. Comunità [Community].Martin Buber - 2007 - la Società Degli Individui 30:141-154.
    Mettendo in discussione le antiche considerazioni di Ferdinand Tönnies sul­l’ineluttabilità della transizione dalla comunità alla società – un carattere tipico della modernità secondo Tönnies –, Martin Buber reclama la necessità, in­sieme politica e religiosa, di costruire una comunità post-sociale, nella quale tro­vi concretezza l’anelito socialista e libertario alla ‘buona vita’ e il bisogno spi­rituale di realizzare Dio nei rapporti degli uo­mi­ni con i loro simili. Nella sua riflessione, infatti, l’autore esprime l’idea di un Dio che non si sovrappone af­­fatto (...)
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  30. The Challenge of the Social and the Pressure of Practice: Science and Values Revisited.Martin Carrier, Don Howard & Janet A. Kourany (eds.) - 2008 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
    ISBN-13: 978-0-8229-4317-4 (cloth : alk. paper) ISBN-10: 0-8229-4317-4 (cloth : alk. paper) 1. Science — Philosophy. 2. Science — Social aspects. 3. Values. 4. Science and civilization. I. Carrier, Martin. II. Howard, Don, professor. III. Kourany ...
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    Finding categories through words: More nameable features improve category learning.Martin Zettersten & Gary Lupyan - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104135.
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  32. The Hermeneutic Challenge of Genetic Engineering: Habermas and the Transhumanists.Andrew Edgar - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (2):157-167.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the impact that developments in transhumanist technologies may have upon human cultures, and to do so by exploring a potential debate between Habermas and the transhumanists. Transhumanists, such as Nick Bostrom, typically see the potential in genetic and other technologies for positively expanding and transcending human nature. In contrast, Habermas is a representative of those who are fearful of this technology, suggesting that it will compound the deleterious effects of the colonisation of (...)
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  33.  26
    Ars Erotica: Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love.Andrew Edgar - 2022 - British Journal of Aesthetics 62 (1):143-146.
    SHUSTERMANRICHARDCambridge University Press. 2021. pp. xvi+420. £23.
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  34. Paul Natorp and the emergence of anti-psychologism in the nineteenth century.Scott Edgar - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 39 (1):54-65.
    This paper examines the anti-psychologism of Paul Natorp, a Marburg School Neo-Kantian. It identifies both Natorp’s principle argument against psychologism and the views underlying the argument that give it its force. Natorp’s argument depends for its success on his view that certain scientific laws constitute the intersubjective content of knowledge. That view in turn depends on Natorp’s conception of subjectivity, so it is only against the background of his conception of subjectivity that his reasons for rejecting psychologism make sense. This (...)
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  35. Dris Martini Lutheri Colloquia Mensalia: Or, Dr Martin Luther's Divine Discourses at His Table, &C. Collected by A. Lauterbach, and Disposed Into Certain Common Places by J. Aurifaber. Tr. By H. Bell.Martin Luther, Johann Aurifaber, Henry Bell & Anton Lauterbach - 1652
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  36. Dris Martini Lutheri Colloquia Mensalia: Or, Dr Martin Luther's Divine Discourses at His Table, &C. Collected by A. Lauterbach, and Disposed Into Certain Common Places by J. Aurifaber. Tr. By H. Bell. [Another] to Which is Prefixed, the Life and Character of Martin Luther, by J.G. Burckhardt.Martin Luther, Johann Aurifaber, Henry Bell & Anton Lauterbach - 1791
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  37. El Realismo de Leyes Naturales: ¿en qué consiste?Edgar Eduardo Rojas Durán - 2018 - Agora 37 (1):177-203.
    This paper aims to answer the question: what does the realism of laws of nature consist of? To achieve this, in the first part, three philosophical accounts of laws of nature are presented and examined: the universalist, the dispositionalist and the counter-factualist. The presentation and examination focuses on the answer given by each of these accounts to the question: what is a law of nature? Later, in the second part, convergences and divergences between these three accounts are shown. Finally, in (...)
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    On Assumptions of, Relations between, and Evaluations of Some Process Dissociation Measurement Models.Axel Buchner & Edgar Erdfelder - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 5 (4):581-594.
    In this article, we analyze both M. J. Wainwright and E. M. Reingold's view of the process dissociation measurement models presented by A. Buchner, E. Erdfelder, and B. Vaterrodt-Plunnecke and their suggestions on that topic. This analysis reveals a number of problems in Wainwright and Reingold's approach. Some of these problems are more subtle than others, but they are nevertheless consequential. Thus, researchers working with the process dissociation procedure should be aware of these problems.
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    Sex Selection: Laissez Faire or Family Balancing?Edgar Dahl - 2005 - Health Care Analysis 13 (1):87-90.
    In a recent comment on the HFEA’s public consultation on sex selection, Soren Holm claimed that proponents of family balancing are committed to embrace a laissez faire approach. Given that arguments in support of sex selection for family balancing also support sex selection for other social reasons, advocates of family balancing, he asserts, are simply inconsistent when calling for a limit on access to sex selection. In this paper, I argue that proponents of family balancing are in no way inconsistent. (...)
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  40.  56
    The expert patient: Illness as practice.Andrew Edgar - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8 (2):165-171.
    Abstract.This paper responds to the Expert Patient initiative by questioning its over-reliance on instrumental forms of reasoning. It will be suggested that expertise of the patient suffering from chronic illness should not be exclusively seen in terms of a model of technical knowledge derived from the natural sciences, but should rather include an awareness of the hermeneutic skills that the patient needs in order to make sense of their illness and the impact that the illness has upon their sense of (...)
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  41.  17
    Grenzbeschreitungen: vom Sinn, dem gelingenden Leben und unserem Umgang mit Natur.Martin Kolmar - 2021 - Wien: Böhlau Verlag.
    Wie wollen wir leben und wie können wir unserem Leben Sinn geben angesichts der drängenden Krisen der Gegenwart? Wie können solche Fragen überhaupt beantwortet werden, wenn eine säkulare Kultur scheinbar nur Antworten auf Fragen nach dem „wie?“, nicht aber nach dem „wozu?“ erlaubt. Martin Kolmar deutet im vorliegenden Buch die gegenwärtigen und bevorstehenden Krisen, allen voran die Klimakrise, als Krise der westlichen Denk- und Wahrnehmungsweisen und versucht einen Ausweg daraus aufzuzeigen. Dazu beginnt er mit einer Analyse westlicher Vorstellungswelten aus (...)
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  42.  20
    Heidegger and Cassirer on Science after the Cassirer and Heidegger of Davos.Hans-Jörg Rheinberger - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (4):440-446.
    SummaryThe paper exposes the views of Ernst Cassirer and Martin Heidegger on the dynamics of the sciences of their day, as both developed them in the two decades after the encounter of the two philosophers in Davos in 1928. It emphasizes points of common concern, and it compares their positions to those of contemporary philosophers of science Gaston Bachelard and Edgar Wind.
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    The interpretation of dream meaning: Resolving ambiguity using Latent Semantic Analysis in a small corpus of text.Edgar Altszyler, Sidarta Ribeiro, Mariano Sigman & Diego Fernández Slezak - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 56:178-187.
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    [Omnibus Review].Martin Davis - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):342-343.
  45. Rudolf Borchardt, Martin Buber Briefe, Dokumente, Gespräche 1907-1964.Rudolf Borchardt, Martin Buber, Karl Neuwirth & Gerhard Schuster - 1991 - Rudolf Borchardt-Gesellschaft München.
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    The Art of Useless Suffering.Andrew Edgar - 2007 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 10 (4):95-405.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the role that modernism in the arts might have in articulating the uselessness and incomprehensibility of physical and mental suffering. It is argued that the experience of illness is frequently resistant to interpretation, and as such, it will be suggested, to conventional forms of artistic expression and communication. Conventional narratives, and other beautiful or conventionally expressive aesthetic structures, that presuppose the possibility and desirability of an harmonious and meaningful resolution to conflicts and (...)
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    Three ways of watching a sports video.Andrew Edgar - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (4):403-415.
    It does not typically seem to be worthwhile rewatching a sport match, for example, in a video recording, once the result is known. Sports matches are like detective stories. Once one knows ‘whodunit’, there seems little point in revisiting the tale. By drawing on an argument from musicologist Edward T. Cone, this paper argues that certain sports matches may be revisited with profit. The initial experience of a game may be of a series of events that are often ambiguous or (...)
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    Dodd parameters and λ-indexing of extenders.Martin Zeman - 2004 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 4 (01):73-108.
    We study generalizations of Dodd parameters and establish their fine structural properties in Jensen extender models with λ-indexing. These properties are one of the key tools in various combinatorial constructions, such as constructions of square sequences and morasses.
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    Jordi Ferrer Y la tradición racionalista de la prueba jurídica: Una mirada crítica.Edgar R. Aguilera García - 2016 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 44:163-189.
    El artículo revisa las aportaciones más trascendentes que Jordi Ferrer ha hecho a la tradición racionalista de la prueba jurídica y evalúa críticamente el limitado papel que, desde su óptica, le corresponde desempeñar a la epistemología en la discusión general sobre los estándares de prueba apropiados para las distintas ramas del derecho. Más específicamente, se analiza la irrelevancia que Ferrer parece atribuir a dicha disciplina –o el silencio que debe guardar–, respecto del establecimiento del estándar de prueba deseable en materia (...)
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  50. Consumer-directed care: Who will pay for mission and ethics?Martin Laverty - 2013 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 19 (3):4.
    Laverty, Martin This article is a slightly edited version of a speech given by Martin Laverty to the 2013 Annual General Meeting of the Caroline Chisholm Centre for Health Ethics. It views the movement towards consumer-directed care in Australia not as a threat to Catholic health and aged care, but as an opportunity to deepen our understanding of our mission and to develop services which are distinctive in their commitment to providing excellent care in response to the changing (...)
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